About us

About Our Company

We provide precise and specific to a location, reliable and timely information, enabling talented and professional job seekers to make informed decisions and to plan effective response to the job opportunities. We collect and deliver latest and open opportunities in the state, including the latest job adverts from trusted sources.

Southwest Jobs connect talented and qualified job seekers to recruiting managers. Our aim is to assist the local people solve its problem through qualified, talented and motivated individuals while at the same time helping individuals obtain their maximum career potential. Although we are based in Southwest State, we locate and place candidates all across the nation to grow professionally and make an impact with their careers.

We are the largest search and recruitment organization in Southwest State of Somalia and we’ll bring you the expertise and experience of our own team around the world. Southwest Jobs was founded in 2018 to help and easily locate job opportunities in the state for interested job seekers from Southwest State and around the nation.


To assist the local people, solve its problem through qualified, talented and motivated individuals while at the same time helping individuals obtain their maximum career potential


To promote locally available and specific opportunities to potential professional around the globe and to inspire talented and motivated individuals connect to the real world.


Our clients:

Government, UN, INGOs, NGOs, Business Companies and CBOs.



We desire to:

  •  Put our client’s needs and quality of our work first;
  •  Gather top talented motivated professionals to the recruiting managers;
  •  Conduct our business in a more friendly and independent way;
  •  Strive for excellence in all our dealings with our clients;
  •  Promote Trust, Integrity and Stewardship;
  •  Keep Openness, Respect & Continuous Learning


Why choose Southwest Jobs

  • Access to over 100,000 talented, qualified and professional job seekers, anytime.
  • More than 350,000 visits/month giving you jobs top visibility
  • Precise and specific to location, friendly, local support
  • Solutions for all budget

Search Jobs
  • 123,012 Jobs Added
  • 123,022 Active Resumes
  • 123,042 Positions Matched